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New Year, New Software Part II: Transparency

Welcome back to our New Year, New Software series. To recap from last week, eUnify operates on a model of continual deployment, which means we never stop developing, and we never consider our products to be “finished”. Once or twice every month, a raft of new features, enhancements, and bug fixes is floated to our client base. Our constant commitment to improvement makes us the perfect partner to help you set and achieve important goals. The following is just a sampling of the enhancements we released in the past few months alone towards transparency. Here is Part II.

Part II: Transparency

Inspectors Online (Live GPS Tracking of Inspectors) The uManage mobile app for Apple and Android devices provides up-to-the-minute GPS data for anyone logged into the app. While the “Inspector Route” was already available to show the path taken by inspectors in the field, this new Inspectors Online page provides a live map view of the current location of all users logged into the mobile app, fed by the GPS data gathered every minute from each device.

Communications Tracking We have built in tracking for all types of communications in uManage, including mass mailings, eBlasts, and logging of emails sent to homeowners. For email and eBlast communications, we now support monitoring of open rates of messages; you can see which homeowners opened which messages sent from uManage. Also, we have always provided online tracking of certified mailings sent from the system.

Reporting on Discussions A growing number of our clients has expressed goals of moving all communications with homeowners away from email and into our systems to prevent important messages from languishing in someone’s inbox. In uManage, we allow for discussions between managers and architectural committees related to application review, and between managers and homeowners for responses to violations and through our Resident Request ticketing and custom form function. This new enhancement provides an easy way to compile these discussion threads into an easy-to-read report format so you can keep tabs on ongoing discussions without actually opening all those tabs.

ARC Disclosures Not only does uManage support producing disclosure letters to adjacent properties for architectural plans (some communities require this), but now an email with a feedback link is part of this process. Neighbors in receipt of a disclosure email need only click on the link to mark one of three options: “approve”, “disapprove”, or “no opinion”, and optionally fill in the comments section.

Come back next week for the final Part III: Efficiency.

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